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Traffic and License Offenses

The articles below discuss various Maryland traffic charges and driver’s license issues of interest to motorists residing in Maryland, or passing through the state.  Whether you are trying to avoid points that would drive up your insurance costs, keep your license, or avoid incarceration, a good lawyer can make a big difference.

Many people do not even know what the consequences of their actions are with respect to traffic charges, and only find out weeks later after they get a suspension notice from the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration.  Traffic and license offenses less severe than a DUI or DWI can destroy your otherwise clean record, lead to a loss of your license, and, for more egregious must appear violations, even lead to jail time. A conviction for reckless driving, or aggressive driving, or driving with a suspended license could severely impair your future on the road.  Points from a speeding ticket or another moving violation can add up on your driving record and hurt your ability to drive to work or go to school, especially if you have a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) or a provisional driver’s license.  There are even a few prepayable tickets that can cause a suspension on their own, and not all of them require you to drive a vehicle.

Even if you have already received a notice from the Maryland MVA, I can still defend your license.  I can often reverse prior violations that might have triggered the suspension, and I can also usually stop the MVA from taking your license, even if you were found guilty.

Whether you get a ticket at the roadside, or a suspension notice from the Motor Vehicle Administration, I can help.  The consequences can be serious, and a good lawyer can often fix your problem before it becomes an emergency.  Call (301) 556-8709 today so that I can start protecting your future.

Drivers in Maryland involved in an accident are required to return to and remain at the scene until they exchange information, even if there is only property damage.  If someone is injured, Maryland requires the driver to stop and render aid, and, if it appears to be necessary, arrange for the transportation of the person to a hospital so that they can receive medical treatment. If you do not stop and remain at the scene, or if the officer is dissatisfied with the way you did it, you may be charged . . . .

In places under Federal jurisdiction, the United States government may charge you with either Federal crimes, or a violation of Maryland state laws. Military bases and other similar government installations are generally under Federal jurisdiction, putting traffic tickets and other violations issued in those places under Federal jurisdiction. If you are stopped by an officer, you may receive a citation that says “United States District Court Violation Notice” at the top. These citations are often . . . .

You may have been pulled over by a police officer only to find out that your driver's license is suspended, or received a notice from the Maryland MVA notifying you of a suspension, leaving you to ask, "Why is my Maryland driver's license suspended?" There are many reasons that your driver's license might be suspended, but whatever the reason might be, I can help get you back on the road. I can also defend you from the suspension on the notice at a hearing, and defend you against any underlying charges . . . .

Maryland speeding tickets under TA 21-801 and TA 21-801.1 have a highly variable point structure. A speeding ticket under TA 21-801.1 can be either 5, 2, or 1 points. Maryland speeding violations under 21-801 that carry either 1 or 3 points. There are also a few other types of speed related violations in Maryland discussed below. Speeding violations can increase your insurance rates, reset or suspend your provisional license, delay your driver's test if you have a learner's permit, and add up to cause . . . .

A Maryland learner's permit is a type of driver's license that allows the holder to drive, but only with proper supervision. Maryland learner's permit holders caught driving without required supervision are often driving alone, but even if you are not by yourself, there are still requirements that must be met. The driver must be seated beside someone supervising them, who must be age 21 or older, and who must have been licensed for at least three years in any state to drive that class of vehicle. No . . . .

Driving without insurance is a crime punishable by as much as one year of jail and a fine of $1000 for a first offense and as much as two years of jail and a $1000 fine for a second offense.  A conviction can also add five points to your Maryland license.  Five points are enough to markedly increase your insurance rates, require a driver improvement program even if you have no other points.  If you do have other points, or if you accumulate more in the future, a conviction may also result in your . . . .

Points will be assessed against you if you are convicted in court for the violation listed on your traffic ticket, or if you admit the violation by paying the preset amount shown on the ticket. Maryland points stay current for two years. Points can raise your car insurance rates by far more than the fine on the ticket, and they can also result in your driver's license being suspended or revoked by the MVA. As you accumulate certain preset levels of current points, the Maryland Motor Vehicle . . . .

As a provisional driver's license holder in Maryland, you are at risk of having your license suspended or worse, even if you have only ever had two minor traffic tickets. Provisional license holders also face stiff insurance rates, based on their provisional status, age, and inexperience. The best way to avoid the high insurance rates and stiff MVA penalties as a provisional license holder is to fight each and every traffic ticket in court. Even if you have already paid the ticket or entered a plea of . . . .

Driving with a suspended, canceled, refused, or revoked license in Maryland can have serious consequences, but I can help you avoid them. Just because your license was suspended doesn't mean that you are guilty. I have helped hundreds of other people just like you with charges in Maryland courts, and I can help you too. The state has to prove that you knew you were suspended and drove anyway in order to convict. While they are allowed to infer your knowledge without any direct evidence that you knew you . . . .

In Maryland, driving an uninsured vehicle or allowing one to be driven is a jailable offense. It carries a penalty of up to one year in jail and a fine of $1,000 for a first offense. A second offense of driving an uninsured vehicle is punishable by up to two years in jail and $2,000. It also has five points, which can raise your insurance rates in the future, and may lead to license suspension and revocation as you accumulate more points. Even though these potential penalties seem daunting, don't panic. . . . .
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